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France location:
Western Europe, bordering the Bay of Biscay and English Channel, between Belgium and Spain, southeast of the UK; bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Italy and Spain. (Map of Europe)
France administrative division:
France is divided in 22 regions, each region is divided in several départements (2 to 8), each département is divided in commune.
A commune can be a town or a village or an association of 2-3 villages, each commune has several named localities. (more: The World Factbook: France)

Actes en Vrac GenWeb
Actes en Vrac is a genealogical database.
Everybody can freely add acts that are not related to his/her own genealogy and make them available to all the genealogists.
Deposit your flashlist (an equivalent to Tinytafels containing only names and places informations) by département to easily compare with the other depositor's in order to proceed to profitable exchanges and kinship.
Deposit your data and find cousins!
Records of tombstone inscriptions.
While searching for their own family roots, our volonteers sometimes discover that there is no written record of exactly what persons were buried in a particular cemetery, or where the graves were located.
They undertook the laborious task of going through the cemetery, section by section, row by row, to compile such a listing, thus providing a resource for others searching for their family roots.
Priest, Pope, Rabbi, Minister, Imam? What became of this cousin for whom I found only the birth? Did he become a cloistered monk or a missionary in an African country ? Was he a chaplain ? Did he perharps administer the last rites to a soldier ? So many questions without answers... How is it possible that we find a monk or a nun in our direct ancestry? How can we find information about the priest who baptized, married or buried our ancestors ?
These are the gaps that CulteGenWeb wants to try to fill.
Base Entraide
Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness
Drawings and database of Blazons, Coats-of-Arms. This site is completely devoted to heraldry.
Database of french soldiers who fought in the American war of Independence.
MairesGenWeb Mayors of France through time
MairesGenWeb's ambition is to make available the mayors' list of the French communes.
In order to mark his marriage with Marie Louise, Napoleon 1st took a decree in his Impérial palate of Compiegne (60) on March 25, 1810. This decree, under its Title IV, carries the following provisions: Marriage of 6000 Soldiers. These soldiers were to answer several criteria of which that to be in retirement (military) and to have at least taken part in a campaign. They would be married on April 22, 1810 with girls of their commune, to which it would be granted a dowry of 1200 francs for Paris and 600 for the remainder of the Empire.
MemorialGenWeb aims at building a database of the people who "Died for France" , soldiers from the regular army as well as those who belonged to resistance groups. It will cover the main conflicts where France was involved (the wars of 1870, 1914-18 (WWI), 1939-45 (WWII) and of Algeria.)
Our ancestors travelled a lot, often getting married away from their native lands, provinces and countries. On doing personal researches, or examination of documents, many genealogists manage to single out marriages in which one of the married is a MIGRANT...MIGRANET is an Internet database in which those migrants can be indexed.
The NotairesGenWeb database's mission is denumbering the notaries that exercise or have exercised in France (including overseas territories)
In addition to the name of the notary, one can find the following elements : indications on the place and dates of exercise, presence at the Departmental records, names of the predecessor and successor notaries, and genealogical informations.
Site whose topic is "digital picture and genealogy"... like its mailing list. Technique, advice, selection of sites...and image database
What did become of this cousin, whose for I found only the birth ? How is it that marriage and death of his parents are untraceable? Where and how to look for this information? Who did not find - or will not find - in his direct ancestry a Protestant? Which was it Minister who celebrated this marriage? What is this temple mentioned in the document? Can one Protestant be baptized by a catholic priest? Birth/Wedding/Death Announcements : an underestimated resource. Etc...
It is these gaps which ProtestantsGenWeb wants to try to fill

Genealogical Mutual aid.. To make easier your remote researches and to help the other genealogists in their steps (researches with the departmental records, national or communal. Database online.
You will find here, forms of translation request of acts in genealogical matter, by selecting the language, as well as request letters for act to the archives or parishes of foreign countries. You know several languages ? You can register yourself as a translator.

Accès à nos services en un clic (carte)
All in one access to (all) our services by region
For a given region (departement), this allows you by a single click to acces directly the pages of the various services of FranceGenWeb.
FranceGenWeb for kids
FranceGenWeb for kids
FranceGenWeb for kids
RégionsGenWeb the gateway to our regional sites
A clickable map of France to access any FranceGenWeb regional site. Each area of metropolitan France or overseas territories (Dom-Tom) has its own site.
These sites present resources and links for genealogical research in a given region, as well as many local practical, geographic and/or historical information.
DépartementGenWeb the gateway to our départemental sites
A clickable map of France to access any FranceGenWeb départemental site, including overseas départements. Each département has its own site.
These sites present resources and links for genealogical research in a given département, as well as many local, pactical, geographic and/or historical information.

The genealogical directory. Links to individual genealogical or parallel sites, heraldic, royal genealogies, data bases, etc. You may have your own listed.
Directory of the deposits of départemental records in France and of the foreign public records - Framework of classification - Various informations.
IGI Batch number
French List IGI Batch Number Index Project
This site proposes to the genealogists a bibliography of publications having for topic the regional history or the local history.
This site gives the list of all the communes existing since 1943, creation date of statistics codes (INSEE) for communes. Its goal is to index the totality of the communes which existed in France since 1790.
Still a directory, specialized in the genealogical mailings listes on Internet, sorted by topics, areas.

The WorldGenWeb Project
The WorldGenWeb Project is a non-profit, volunteer based organization dedicated to providing genealogical and historical records and resources for world-wide access!

Search by last name in differents databases : Actes en Vrac-GenWeb, Cim-GenWeb, Culte-GenWeb, Entraide-GenWeb, HéraldiqueGenWeb, Lafayette-GenWeb, Maires-GenWeb, Mariages Napoléon-GenWeb, Mémorial-GenWeb, Migranet, Notaires-GenWeb, Protestants-GenWeb and more ...
WWW FranceGenWeb

Fred (thank to Chantal & Mike) 6 mai 2007 © 1998-2024 | Page valide XHTML 1.x | CSS2 | accessible A
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